This is one of the services included in . To be able to use it you must have previously activated the product. If you have already done so, click Services and then Email technical support.
Then, follow the steps below:
In the main window go to Services.
Select the option E-mail technical support. A wizard will appear that will guide you step by step through the process of sending us your technical inquiry.
The first screen of the wizard is displayed, which explains its objective. It is advisable to consult the FAQs before sending an inquiry. The solution to your problem could be explained in this section. In order to do this, click the option FAQs (Frequently asked questions and answers).
If you have checked the FAQs and not found an answer, click Next.
In the box Enter your e-mail address, write your e-mail address and check that it is correct.
Select the country to which you want to send your query.
In the Inquiry section, explain your problem or question clearly and precisely.
The Attach file button also allows you to select any file that you think may help us. After selecting the file, click Next. If you click the option Legal notice, a note about the legality and protection of confidential data is displayed. Select the checkbox to confirm you have read the legal notice and click Next to continue.
A screen indicating the size of the message that is going to be sent is now displayed. Click Send, in order to send us your problem described in Inquiry.
A message appears informing you when the message has been sent. In order to go back to the services menu, click Back.
At any time you can click Cancel to end or stop the process of sending inquiries.